Planning Board Agendas & Supporting Documentation

07/16/2024 Agenda

Public Hearing/Special Exception - West Shore Village Apartments: Staff ReportApplication Materials | Plans | Resubmittals

Workshop/Text Amendment - Lake Auburn Watershed Overlay District Agricultural and Forestry Working Group Ordinence Amendment Recommendations: Staff ReportDRAFT Chatper 60, Atricle XII, Division 4

Workshop/ Map Amendment - Lake Auburn Watershed Overlay Setback and Buffer Requirements: Staff Report | DRAFT Map

Workshop/ Map Amendment - Zonimg Map Ammendment Gracelawn Area: Staff Report | Order Initiating Zoning Map Amendment | Proposed Zoning Map Amendment

Workshop Planning Board Opering Remarks: Opening Remarks | Rules of Order 

Workshop LD 2003: Staff Report | Zoning Text Amendment Draft | Section 60-2 Definitions | LD 2003 | LD 1706 | LD 1473

06/18/2024 Agenda

Workshop LD 2003: Staff Report | Zoning Text Ammendment Draft | LD 2003 | LD 1706 | LD 1473

Workshop Planning Board Opering Remarks: Opening Remarks | Rules of Order | Legal Opinion

Public Hearing Lake Auburn Watershed Overlay Text Amendment: Staff Report | Text Amendment Draft

Public Hearing Lake Auburn Watershed Septic System Map Amendment: Staff Report | Map Draft

Public Hearing Lake Auburn Watershed Resource Setback Map Amendment: Staff Report | Map Draft

Public Hearing Text Ammendment Site Plan Review: Staff Report | Text Amedment Draft | Coucil Order 

Public Hearing Zoning Map Amendment 526 and 550 Minot Ave: Staff Report | Zoning Map Draft | Council Order

* From previous meetting 5/14/24 - Lake Auburn Watershed Overlay Workshop Presentation

05/28/2024 Agenda

Workshop 180 South Main Street: Auburn Fire Department Engine 2 Public Safety Project - Staff Report | Presentation | Waiver Considerations

Workshop Ordinence Text Change related to LD 2003 -  LD 2003 | LD 1706 | LD 1473 | Staff Report | Questions for City Attorney

Workshop Ordinance Text Change related to Site Plan Review - Staff Report | Division 2 Site Plan Review | City Council Order | Information Sheet

05/14/2024 Agenda

80 Lake St Subdivision - Staff ReportDevelopment Review Application | Comments | Applicant Responses

105 Riverside Dr. Subdivision - (Postponed)

Workshop and Overview Lake Auburn Watershed District Septic Systems Public Hearings- Staff Report | Order Initiating Planning Board Review

                    Text Amendment Watershed Overlay District - Division 4 - Lake Auburn Watershed Overlay District

                    Text Amendment Phosphorus Control - Division 2 - Phosphorus Control

                    Text Amendment LDCR - Division 3 - Low Density Country Residential

                    Map Amendment Septic Inspections Map - Septic Inspections Map

                    Map Amendment 400' Setback Map - Draft 400' Resource Protection Septic Setback Map 

Workshop - Planning Board Opening Remarks - Opening Remarks | Legal Clarification of Opening Remarks | Rules of Order Summary

Workshop - LD 2003 - Staff Report | LD 2003 | LD 1473 | LD 1706 | LD 2003 Questions for City Attorney

*From Previous Meeting - Updates on Comprehensive Plan

04/09/2024 Agenda

Policies and Procedures: Draft Policies and Procedures | Draft Policies and Procedures with Legal Track Changes | Draft Opening Remarks

Tech Hub Overlay Ordinance Text Ammendment: Staff ReportGeneral Business Zone Text

Tech Hub Overlay Map Ammendment: Zoning Map

Workshop - Lake Auburn Watershed Stakeholders Group: Group UpdateCouncil Order | Reference Map | Phosphorus Control ResultsSeptic System Inspections Map

Workshop - Update on LD 2003 Adhoc Committee: LD 2003 | LD 1473 | LD 1706 | LD 2003 Guidance | LD2003 Questions for City Attorney | Presentation

04/03/2024 LD 2003 Ad-Hoc Committee Agenda 

Presentation | LD2003 Guidance

03/19/2024 LD 2003 Ad-Hoc Committee Agenda

03/12/2024 Agenda

Planning Board Policies and Procedures: Draft | Opening Remarks Draft

Workshop: Staff Report | Legal Council Directive on Zoning Ordinance/Map Amendment Procedures

Text Amendment on Applicability Date (New Information): Staff Report | Planning Board Motion | Ordinance draft | Council Resolve 

Workshop Items: Capital Improvement Plan | Comprehensive Plan Progress Update | Approvals for Expirartions | Timeline Amendments

Legal Council Directive on Committees

02/13/2024 Agenda

138 Fairview Wedding Barn (Application withdrawn by applicant)

Hexagon Energy Solar Site Plan Amendment/Extension: Staff Report | Staff Memo | March 2021 Planning Board Approval | Extension Request | Updated Review Packet | Permit Application 

Text Ammendment on Applicability Date : Staff Report | Info Sheet Applicability Date AGRP to GB

Zoning Board of Appeals: Staff Report | City Council OrderArticle XV Board of Appeals

L.D. 2003 Workshop: Staff Report | L.D.2003 Guidance | L.D 2003 | L.D. 1706 | L.D. 1473

1/30/2024 Legal Training Agenda

01/09/2024 Agenda

Camp K9: Staff Report | Narrative | Plan | Proposed Revisions

Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Staff Report | Map 

138 Fairview Wedding Barn [Topic Postponed to February 13, 2024 meeting]: Staff Report | Application | Plan | Applicant Reponse Package

PAL Center: Staff Report | PresentationCover Letter | Development Review Application | Site Plans | Response to Comments Letter | Site Plans Revised | Waiver Request Letter

Riverside Drive Map Amendment: Staff Report | Divison 4 Low Density Rural Residential | Map AGRP to RR | Verified Petition

2023 Meetings

12/12/2023 Agenda Riverside Dr Map Amendment: Staff Report | AG to RR Map | Verified Zoning Petition | Division 4 Low Density Rural Residential Zoning Ordinence170 Penley Corner Rd Continuance: Staff Report | Development Review Application | SurveySeptic Design | Deed353 Riverside Dr Site Plan Review/Special Exception: Staff Report | Site Plan Documents | Civil Plans | Revised Plans | Revised Narrative555 Court St Site Plan Review/Special Exception: Staff Report | Stable Ridge Phase 2 Site Plan Review Revisions | Water Flow Memo | Storm Water Report224 East Waterman Rd Extension: Staff ReportGulf Island Pond LLC Solar 2022 Staff Report | Extension Request | Approval LetterWorkshop: Staff Report
11/14/2023 AgendaText Amendment: Lake Auburn Watershed Overlay Staff Report  | Letter: AWD to DWP 11/1/23 Text Amendment Version A Text Amendment Version B Map Amendment: RR to LDCR Staff Report  | Current Zoning  |  Low Density Country Residential District  Map Amendment: Lake Auburn Watershed Boundary Staff ReportMap  |  Proposed Map Amendment  |  Existing Zoning Map Map Amendment: Gracelawn AGRP to GB Staff ReportMap  | General Business District Map Amendment: Riverside Drive Staff Report  |  Map  | Petition Petition Verification
10/10/2023 Agenda Zoning Map Amendment T-4.2B Area B  | Sec. 60-548B  |  Staff Report: Area B Zoning Map Amendment Minimum Dwelling size | State Rules for LD 2003 & 1706 |  Research Questions Staff Report: Minimum Dwelling Size Workshop: Text Amendment Lake Auburn Watershed Overlay District  | Staff Report  | Memo 9/26/23 Workshop: Map Amendment RR to LDCRCurrent Zoning  | Low Density Country Residential District  |  Staff Report: RR to LDCR  Workshop: Map Amendment Lake Auburn Watershed Boundary  Letter from City of Lewiston Letter from City of Lewiston to AWD Letter | Staff Report Workshop: Map Amendment Lake Auburn Watershed Boundary at South Side of Lake  |  Staff Report  | General Business District
9/12/2023 Agenda Self Storage  | Response: Site Plan  | Response: Details  | Staff Report: Self Storage (Updated 9.11.23) Life Forest  | Additional Documents  |  Staff Report: Life Forest 249 Merrow Road Recycling Facility  | Staff Report: Recycling Facility Realignment of Miller St. | Easement Plan  | Staff Report: Miller St Chestnut St Discontinuance  | Draft Conveyances  | Auburn PAL Center SD Civil Drawings  | Staff Report: Chestnut St.  Extension: 1145 Center St. Warehouse  | Approval 8/9/2022  |  Map  |  Staff Report: Warehouse Workshop: Zoning Map Amendment Area B Option 1  |  Area B Option 2  | Staff Report: Area B Workshop: Dwelling Size  | State Rules for LD 2003 & 1706 Research Questions  | Staff Report: Minimum Dwelling Size
8/10/2023 Agenda 405 Center St.Site Plan | Staff Report Reflections Auto Sales | Revised Site Plan | Staff Report Dwelling Size Text Amendment | Staff Report | Community Development Letter | Housing Examples PAL Center Update | City Council Information Sheet
8/8/2023 Agenda Zoning Text Amendment/ Petition | Staff Report | Draft Text Amendment Form Based Code Text Amendment | Staff Report | Add T-4.2B Traditional Neighborhood T- 4.2B  | Appendix A  | FAQs Zoning Map Amendment T- 4.2B Area A1  |  Area A1 Map  Zoning Map Amendment T- 4.2B Area A2  | Area A2 Map Zoning Map Amendment T- 4.2B Area B1 & B2 | Area B1 & B2 Map Zoning Map Amendment T- 4.2B Area C | Area C Map Zoning Map Amendment T- 4.2B Area D | Area D Map AGRP Text Amendment (Proposal B1) | Staff Report AGRP Text Amendment (Proposal B3) | Staff Report AGRP Text Amendment (Proposal B2) | Staff Report | Order to Planning Board | Recommendation to Council AGRP Public Comment Map Amendment Public Meeting Presentation | Draft Notes 1 | Draft Notes 2 
7/11/2023 Agenda 431 Turner St: Special Exception Staff ReportApplication  Zoning Text Amendment/ Petition Staff ReportPetition  Zoning Map Amendments Part II; T-4.2B Area A-D PowerPoint Zoning Map Amendments Part II; T-4.2B Area A Staff Report Sec. 60 548B Traditional Neighborhood T-4.2B  Zoning Map Amendments Part II; T-4.2B Area B Staff ReportSec. 60 548B Traditional Neighborhood T-4.2B Zoning Map Amendments Part II; T-4.2B Area C Staff Report Sec. 60 548B Traditional Neighborhood T-4.2B Zoning Map Amendments Part II; T-4.2B Area D Staff ReportSec. 60 548B Traditional Neighborhood T-4.2B Extension: Brickyard Commons Staff Report 7-11-23 | Staff Report 6-28-22 | Approval | Extension Request
6/6/2023 Agenda [updated 5/31/23] AGRP Zoning Text Amendment Proposal A Proposal B  |  Public Comment  JCS 18, LLC Proposal - 186 Main St. 186 Main St. Full Plan Set  | Color Coded Easement Plan  |  Easement Memo: AWSD  |  Easement Deed: Draft  |  Development Review Application  |  Staff Report 186 Main Update 6/1/23 Stamped Easement Plan  |  Parking Agreement - Roak Block Zoning Map Amendment: 37 Loring Avenue Staff Report: 37 Loring Avenue  | DIVISION 7 Multifamily Suburban District  Zoning Text Amendment: GB, GBII and ID Density  GB Sec. 60 - 500 proposed text amendment  |  GB II Sec. 60 - 526 proposed text amendment  |  ID Sec. 60 - 579 proposed text amendment  |  Economic Development Support Letter |  Letter to Auburn Planning Board  |  Staff Report: GB, GBII and ID Density 607 Lewiston Junction Road, LLC Approval letter 7/5/2022  |  Staff Report: 607 Lewiston Junction Rd Planning Board Policies and Procedures 
5/9/2023 Agenda AGRP District Zonining Ordinance Text Amendments Staff Report  |  Public Comment: AGRP Zone Group Draft Text Amendment  | Map and Text Amendment  |  Public Comment Taylor Brook House Staff Report  4/11/2023  |  JFMH Response to City  |  4/28/2023 Response to City  |  Staff Report 5/9/2023  | Taylor Brook House Public Comment  GB, GB II and ID Denisty Workshop GB Sec. 60 - 500 proposed text amendment  |  GB II Sec. 60 - 526 proposed text amendment  |  ID Sec. 60 - 579 proposed text amendment  |  Economic Development Support Letter |  Letter to Auburn Planning Board Planning Board Policies and Procedures
4/11/23 Agenda (Updated) Auburn Suburban Baseball & Softball Staff Report  |  Traffic Peer Review  | Additional designs Part One  |  Additional designs Part Two 405 Center St. Staff Report  |  Additional plans The Smoothie Spot Staff Report  |  Floor Plan & Adjacent Properties  | Narrative  | Revised Plan Taylor Brook House Staff Report  JFMH Response to City
3/28/23 Special Meeting Agenda CIP  Stable Ridge: Phase 2  Stable Ridge: Phase 2 Response to City   |  Stable Ridge Traffic Application  |  Staff Report: Stable Ridge Phase 2 - 3.14.23 |  Staff Report: Stable Ridge Phase 2 - 2.14.23  |  Public Comment Text Amendment: Cemeteries Staff Report  |  Sec. 60 -2 Definitions   |  Sec. 60 -145 Use Regulations Text Amendment: AGRP City Council Proposed Text Elimination Staff Report: AGRP Map Amendment: AGRP Map: LDRR and LDCR Proposed Boundaries
3/14/23 Agenda  CIP Stable Ridge: Phase 2 Stable Ridge: Phase 2 Response to City   |  Stable Ridge Traffic Application  |  Staff Report: Stable Ridge Phase 2 - 3.14.23 |  Staff Report: Stable Ridge Phase 2 - 2.14.23  |  Public Comment Auburn Suburban Baseball & Softball Staff Report  |  Traffic Peer Review  | Additional designs Part One Additional designs Part Two 405 Center St. Staff Report  |  Additional plans The Smoothie Spot Staff Report  |  Floor Plan & Adjacent Properties  | Narrative  | Revised Plan Text Amendment: Cemeteries Staff Report  |  Sec. 60 -2 Definitions   |  Sec. 60 -145 Use Regulations
2/28/23 Special Meeting Agenda Resolve 06-09062022 Staff Report: AGRP  |  City Council Order  |  City Council Proposed Text Elimination  |  City Council Propose Text Amendment  |  Growth, Conservation, and Agriculture & Resource Protection Survey Results
2/14/23 Agenda Stable Ridge: Phase 2 Staff Report: Stable Ridge  |  Stable Ridge: Phase 2 Response to City  |  Updated Grading Plan  |  Turning Graphic  |  Extended Turn Around  |  Additional Lighting  |  Court St Layout  |  Updated Photometric Lighting Plan Subdivision Review: 118 Gamage Ave Staff Report: 118 Gamage Ave Subdivision Review: PID 250-028 Staff Report: Oakland Subdivision Text Amendment: Public Safety Facilities Staff Report: Public Safety Definitions  |  Definitions  |  Matrix
1/10/23 Agenda Rezoning Petition Overlay Map  |  Slopes  |  Staff Report: 150 Andrew Drive  Workshop: Resolve 06-09062022 City Council Proposed Text Elimination  |  City Council Proposed Text Amendment  |  City Council Order  |  SNRB Opinion  |  Staff Report: AGRP  |  AGRP related documents Ordinance 07_02222022 Matrix: Public Safety  |  Staff Report: Public Safety Definitions 
1/4/23 Special Meeting Agenda

2022 Meetings

January 11, 2022 - Staff Report Gracelawn Workshop - Staff Report Washington Street Workshop - Staff Report Court Street Workshop - Approved Future Land Use Plan - Comp Plan Implementation 
February 8, 2022 - Staff Report; Phosphorus Control Ordinace Update - Staff Report; Gracelawn Zoning Change Public Hearing - Staff Report; Court Street Zoning Change Public Hearing - Staff Report; Washington Street Zoning Change Public Hearing - Staff PowerPoint (Comp Plan Implementation) 
March 8, 2022 -  Staff Report Olive Garden (March 2022)- Staff Report Olive Garden (October 2021) - Olive Garden Project Narrative- Olive Garden Site Plans-  Staff Report Lake Auburn Watershed-  Lake Auburn Workshop PowerPoint-  Staff Report Court St.- Court St. PowerPoint 
April 12, 2022 - Pre Register - Lake Auburn Watershed Septic System Ordinance - Staff Report: Lake Auburn Watershed Protection Updates - WORKSHOP: Septic Systems - CIP Memo - CIP Worksheet - Staff Report: BD Solar Extension -Planning Board Approval BD Solar - Staff Report: 555 Court St - 555 Court St Comment Response Letter - Turning Figures - Staff Report: Part II T -4.2 
May 3, 2022 SPECIAL MEETING -  Staff Report Part II T-4.2- Map & Ordinance Updates (Slides) - Transportation System Considerations  - Staff Report Lake Auburn Watershed Protection Updates 
May 10, 2022 -  Staff Report Penley Corner; RFJ Morin Brick, LLC Staff Report Hammond Lumber Petition - Zone Change Application - Zone Change Plan - - Staff Report Washington St Solar Project - Solar Project Supporting Documents - Solar Project Application - Penley Corner Road Development Application - Penley Corner Rd Plans
June 21, 2022 SPECIAL MEETING -  Pre Registration, Staff Report Court St Items 3 & 4 on Agenda, 4.2B Division 14 Form Based Code, Staff Report Area A, Staff Report Area B, Staff Report Area C, Staff Report Area D
June 28,2022 - Draft Planning Board Motion from 6/21/22, Attachment #1, Attachment #2. Staff Report: Brickyard Commons, Brickyard Commons - Overview, Site Layout Bldgs1-4, Site Layout Bldgs 5-8, Site Grading Plan Bldgs 1-4, Site Grading Plan Bldgs 5-8, Site Utilies Bldgs 5-8, Staff Report: Auburn Recycling Facility, Site Plan Auburn Recycling Facility, Arial with Site Plan Overlay - Auburn Recycling Facility 
July 12, 2022-  Convenient MD (CMD) Staff Report - CMD Project Narrative-  CMD Development Review Application - CMD Trip Generation Analysis - CMD Site Plan -  Staff Sketch for Improvements - AWSD Review - Alternate Exit Lane -  Five Guys Staff Report-  Five Guys, April Cover Letter - Five Guys, April Application - Five Guys, July Cover Letter - July, Supplement to Traffic Assessment -  Kittyhawk Staff Report - Extension Letter - Original Staff Report -  Original Letter of Approval - Lake Auburn Staff Report RR to LDCR - Executive Summary - Story Map 
August 9, 2022 - Workshop, FB Environmental Staff Report - Proposed Zoning Executive Summary - FB Environmental Memo - Workshop, Schedule Update for T-4.2B - Workshop, Part II T-4.2B Staff Report - Updated T - 4.2B- Link to Story Map - Public Comments - Staff Report Camp K9 - Camp K9 Cover Letter & Application - Camp K9 Admittance Plan & Noise Mitigation - Staff Report, Warehouse 1145 Center St - Warehouse Cover Letter & Application - Warehouse Truck Path Enter - Truck Path Exit - Existing Approved Plan - AWSD Memo - Response Cover Letter 
September 13,2022 - T4.2B Zoning Ordinance Text and Map Amendments - Proposed Zoning - Map T4.2B - Staff Report - Legal Opinion Letter for Planning Board and Council Process T-4.2B Court Street Area Story Map
October 11,2022 - Zoning Text Amendment: Septic Ordinance - Staff Report: SSWW - Zoning Map Amendment: Rural Residential to Low-Density Country Residential - LAWPC Memo - Twin City Thunder Staff Report - Twin City Thunder Hockey Academy - Twin City Thunder additional materials- Workshop:Staff Report - Workshop additional materials
November 15, 2022 - Rezoning Petition - Staff Report 150 Andrew Drive -  Workshop/ Resolve 06-09062022 - AG Staff Report - City Council Proposed Text Elimination - City Council Proposed Text Amendment - City Council Order - Workshop/ City Council Ordinance - Staff Report: Public Safety Definitions 
December 13, 2022 - Staff Report: Solar Array - Public Hearing: Solar Array - Bluewave Response to City Comments -  Workshop: Resolve 06-09062022 -  Amended Staff Report: AG - SNRB Recommendation - Maine Farmland Preservation Ordinances - City Council Proposed Text Elimination City Council Proposed Text Amendment - City Council Order - Workshop: City Council Ordinance - Staff Report: Public Safety Definitions
2021 Agendas with Staff Reports & Supporting Documents
All 2021 Agendas
All 2020 Agendas
All 2019 Agendas
All 2018 Agendas
All 2017 Agendas
All 2016 Agendas
All 2015 Agendas
All 2014 Agendas
Additional copies and Archived Agendas may be obtained from the Office of Planning & Permitting located at Auburn Hall, 60 Court Street in Auburn.