Hours:  Monday thru Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm (marriage licenses until 3:30pm)
60 Court Street, 1st Floor (elevator access via rear parking lot entrance)
Phone:  (207) 333-6601  | Fax: 207.333.6620

The combined City Clerk and Tax Division office is the front-line customer service team serving the citizens of Auburn. Here, you will be able to conduct the following:

  • tax payments, including real estate, personal property taxes, and vehicle excise
  • vehicle registration, including ATV, boat and trailer 
  • register to vote, absentee voting, and election information
  • apply for a business license or event permit
  • apply for a hunting/fishing license
  • license your dog
  • request vital records, including birth, marriage and death certificates
  • apply for marriage license
  • receive Notary Public services
  • apply to serve on a board/committee
  • obtain general information about the City - including ordinances, policies, services, and history

The City Clerk also serves as the designated Public Access Officer for the City handling all FOAA requests, and publishes agendas and minutes for the City Council and city boards & committees. 


City Clerk/Registrar of Voters/Public Access Officer

Emily F. Carrington, CMC, CCM

Tax Collector/Deputy Clerk
Deputy Registrar


Assistant Municipal Clerks/Deputy Registrars

Denise Spooner

Cynthia Lauze

Elizabeth Bullen

Kari Jennings

Tina Nason


Marijuana License Specialist

Cristy Bourget  (Mon-Weds) 

Information Specialist

Tracey Marquis