The Auburn City Council and administration has adopted the policies, annual action plans and reports below.
The Consolidated Plan (and Action Plan) process is intended to encourage communities to allocate federal resources to address local needs and market conditions. The Consolidated Plan describes the market and inventory conditions, the housing needs of owners, renters, homeless and special needs populations, and community development needs. The 2020-2025 Consolidated Plan sets forth five-year strategies and performance benchmarks for measuring progress. The Consolidated Plan document above, also includes the Action Plan. The Action Plan is a document that describes the activities that will be undertaken, goals and objectives that will be pursued, and a spending plan for Community Development and HOME funds each year.
Environmental Review Records – This link will take you to a database of all Environmental Review records conducted in concert with HUD community development programs.
The CAPER is an assessment of the effectiveness of using Community Development and HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds to address priorities and objectives identified in the Consolidated Plan for providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for low and moderate income persons.
The Community Development Department develops an annual budget each year for Community Development Block Grant and HOME funds under the process described within the Citizen Participation Plan and is approved by the Auburn City Council.
207.333.6601 ext. 1159
Deputy Director of Business & Community Development
Phone: 207.333.6601 ext. 1336
Executive Assistant to the Director of Business & Community Development
207.333.6601 ext. 1157
General Assistance Manager
207.333.6601 ext. 1411
HUD Program Coordinator
207.333.6601 ext. 1337
Lead Program Specialist
207.333.6601 ext. 1332
Public Health Manager
Business & Community Development Finance Manager
207.333.6601 ext. 1330
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