Special Conservation Commission Meeting

  • January 19, 2018

There will be a very special meeting of the Auburn Conservation Commission on Tuesday, February 27.

The Conservation Commission will meet in Council Chambers at 6:00pm for a brief business meeting. Then, at 6:30pm, we will have a special guest: Owen Grumbling, Ph.D.

Dr. Grumbling is Professor of Environmental Literature in the Department of Environmental Studies at the University of New England and Chair of the Wells Maine Conservation Commission since 1982

Please join us as Dr. Owen Grumbling discusses: the role of conservation commissions at the municipal level, how commissions can collaborate with a network of other government and non-governmental entities, provides insight to how other conservation commissions in Maine operate, and more.

The favor of a reply is requested. Visit www.surveymonkey.com/r/ConsComm to reply.

For more information, e-mail: auburn.me.conservation@gmail.com