The City of Auburn & Auburn Public Works are buzzing with excitement! Even though the beautiful month of May has already begun, we are embracing "NO MOW MAY" here in Auburn!
Have you ever noticed that when you don't mow your lawn for a couple of weeks, new plants & flowers pop up? These are GREAT sources of food for bees, butterflies and other pollinators! In the days to come, we will be selecting an area within each ward where our PW crews will NOT mow for the rest of May.
We invite all Auburn residents to join us! By allowing your lawn to grow during the month of May, you can help pollinators and plants right in your own back (or front) yard.
Auburn Public Works will be delivering a free yard sign to the first 100 residents who signed up! The signs have all been spoken for, but we still encourage residents in participate in "No Mow May!"