• Recycling in Auburn is "single-sort," meaning the items below can all go into your recycle bin together.  

  • The City of Auburn does not provide recycling bins. Any CLEARLY MARKED bin, tote, or container can be used. 

Recycling is collected curbside EVERY OTHER WEEK on the same day that your trash is collected. Some households will be on an "A" week, and some will be on a "B" week. Click HERE or the button below to see if your address is an A or B week. 

Click on the button below for a handy recycling calendar

Recyclable Materials: 

  • #1, #2 & #5 Plastics ONLY

  • Clean cardboard

  • Clean mixed paper


Auburn residents are also able to drop their recyclable items off at Auburn Public Works at 296 Gracelawn Road. The recycling containers are available to residents 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, and they are located near the resident sand shed and brush drop-off area. There are also compost bins available for those who wish to drop off compostable food waste.

Be sure to download Casella's "Recycle Better" app!

There are many useful features, including educational info, a collection calendar, service alerts & reminders, the "Waste Wizard" tool, and much more. Visit your app store and search "Recycle Better Casella." Or use the portal below...



Household trash
