Regulatory Advisory Board

The Board of Assessment Review and the Zoning Board of Appeals were combined in 2021 to form the Regulatory Advisory Board. After careful review, the Auburn City Council dissolved the Regulatory Advisory Board and reinstated both the Board of Assessment Review and the Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Regulatory Advisory Board is an independent body that decides Property Tax Appeals, Hardship or Poverty Abatement Appeals and Zoning Appeals. In 2021, this board was created to combine the roles of the former Board of Assessment Review and Zoning Board of Appeals.


VACANT SEAT (term expiration 6/1/2026)

VACANT SEAT (term expiration 6/1/2026)

VACANT SEAT (term expiration 6/1/2026)

VACANT SEAT (term expiration 6/1/2025)

VACANT SEAT (term expiration 6/1/2025)

Kathleen Shaw (appointed 2/22/2022, term expiration 6/1/2024)

 Gerald Samson (term expiration 6/1/2024)

Alternate Members

Three Vacant Alternate Seats

2021 Agendas

June 14, 2021, General Board Meeting

June 29, 2021, Helms Appeal

2022 Agendas

October 12, 2022, Brookfield White Pine Hydro Appeal

2021 Minutes/Decisions

June 29, 2021, Helms Decision

2022 Minutes/Decisions

October 17, 2022, Brookfield White Pine Hydro Decision