Are you interested in joining one of the busiest 9-1-1 call taking and dispatch centers in Maine and providing emergency and non-emergency communication services for law enforcement, fire and emergency medical services for the communities of Auburn, Lewiston and Poland? Please review our selection process policy, job description and take our self-screening questionnaire to determine if this is the right fit for you. If you believe you have skills and attributes, please submit a cover letter, resume and an application to
If you are interested in a Fire Department position with the City of Auburn, please review the Hiring and Recruitment page of our municipal website. An application packet, cover letter and current resume can be returned to Deputy Fire Chief Matthew Fifield at the Auburn Fire Department, 550 Minot Ave., Auburn, Maine 04210; e-mail
If you are interested in a Police Officer position with the City of Auburn, click HERE or contact Sergeant Eric Audette at You can also APPLY ONLINE.
The City of Auburn is committed to providing the best, most qualified employees to serve the citizens of Auburn. All available positions are posted through Human Resources, with the exception of all school department positions. The City of Auburn is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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